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Send Correspondence to:
Dr. Jeanette Altarriba
Founder and Director, Cognition and Language Laboratory Department of Psychology
Social Sciences 399
University at Albany, State University of New York
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12222
Phone: (518) 442-5004
FAX: (518) 442-4867
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Undergraduate students of the University at Albany are encouraged to apply for positions as Undergraduate Research Assistants by contacting Dr. Altarriba for details.
Students interested in Graduate study in the Lab and/or the Cognitive Program are invited to email Dr. Altarriba.
About the Director:
Jeanette Altarriba, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychology at the University at Albany, State University of New York. She received her master’s and doctoral degrees in Cognitive Psychology from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and then completed postdoctoral research training at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. As Founder and Director of the Cognition and Language Laboratory, she oversees a research program in the areas of bilingual language processing, second language acquisition, and emotion, attention, and cognition. Currently, she focuses on how monolingual and bilingual speakers represent emotion-related words through the use of both implicit and explicit measures. Her work has appeared in numerous scientific journals including the Journal of Memory and Language; Memory & Cognition; and Perception and Psychophysics. She is co-editor of the recent volume, An Introduction to Bilingualism: Principles and Processes, as well as seven other books in the areas of cognition and culture, bilingual memory, and bilingual sentence processing. Currently, she also serves as Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences at UAlbany.
Psychology Department Website
Collins Fellow 2017
APA 2012 Minority Fellowship Program’s Dalmas A. Taylor Award